Monday, April 8, 2013

So Hum

So Hum is a cat.
So Hum is a mantra.
“So Hum” is I Am.
So Hum is a synchronicity.

So Hum is new to the neighborhood. He moved in with his human companion, Claire (“light”), a yoga practitioner, a couple of months ago. He is a Garfield-shaped, grey, short-haired embodiment of the divine. He roams the neighborhood, lumbers across my front yard and hurdles himself, more or less, over the morning-glory-planter fence between my garden guru’s yard and mine. Unsure of our relationship, as was I (Does he consider my flower beds a litter box?), he did not tarry in my yard. Gradually, we’ve come to know one other.

It goes without saying (until now!), Claire is a metaphysical thinker, or she would not have named So Hum “So Hum.” So hum is a Sanscrit mantra. It means “I am.” It is the name God reveals to Moses at the burning bush when asked his name. Ehyeh asher ehyeh (Exodus 3:12) literally translates as "I Will Be What I Will Be," however, most English translations render it as “I am that I am” (Exodus 3:14), in one of the most famous verses in the Torah, or first five books of the Bible.  

So Hum, the Sanscrit mantra, plays a large role in the Oprah/Chopra 21-day Meditation Challenge for Perfect Health the Spiritual Adventuress completed this week. The words “I Am” contain the mystical power of creation because whatever follows those two words. . . I am tired, I am sick, I am healthy, I am prosperous, describes a state of being that manifests, or takes physical form. Therefore, Deepak Chopra chose the words following “I am” with clarity and intention in these daily centering thoughts:

I am perfection. I am healthy. I am strong.
I am one with the breath of life.      
I am flexible, powerful, and balanced.
I am an exquisite expression of nature.
I am ageless and timeless.
I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities.

Over the years, a great spiritual practice for me has been listening to myself speak and think, paying attention to what follows after I say, “I am.” I am claiming my experience, creating my life by speaking my word. Sometimes immediate editing is necessary! It can also be very revealing to listen to others speak themselves into existence. And, taken to the next level, to know you and they are one. “I Will Be What I Will Be” is whatever we state, whatever we create.

Creation does not take form from mindless repetition of positive statements, which leads some people to conclude affirmations don’t work. It’s much more complex than simple repetition. To manifest, or take form, the process must include not only embodying the thought, but also the feeling, that the statement is already accomplished. Creating from a consciousness of wholeness (as God,* or “I am”), everything does already exist. Repetition is necessary until the feeling is present and any subconscious counter-intentions are dissolved.  

So, So Hum as a cat, So Hum as a mantra, So Hum as “I am,” and So Hum as synchronicity. The dog chases its tale. Everything comes full circle in synchronicity. In the 4T class this week, heart coherence and the work of the Heart Math Institute were discussed. When the lub-dub sound of the beating heart was translated into “so-hum, so-hum, so-hum” or “I am, I am, I am,” the insight came that God’s name, the “I am” of the beating heart, is love. Metaphysically, your name is your nature. God’s nature is love. Every beat of our heart is announcing, “I am, I am, I am. . . love.” Sychronistically, the class assignment for the week was to make a treasure map, or vision board using magazine photos, to depict what we are creating in our lives. Alternatively, we could construct an “I am” board representing the qualities of consciousness we are focused on expressing. Mine included the 21-day meditation mantra So Hum.

Slowly crunching my way over the gravel driveway as I entered our community, I noticed So Hum sitting on his haunches outside his home. Stopping the car, I rolled down my window and greeted him by name, “So Hum, So Hum, So Hum,” now deeply aware of its meaning. He seemed attentive though unresponsive. Once I parked the car, he walked over, and, for the first time, rubbed up against my legs and let me pet him. I had seen his true nature, and mine, as expressions of the beating heart of the Universe. In loving recognition, we acknowledged one another, ourSelf.

“Notice the coincidences in your life. Coincidences are messages. They are clues from God or spirit or nonlocal reality, urging you to break out of. . . your familiar patterns of thinking. They are offering you an opportunity to enter a domain of awareness where you feel loved and cared for by the infinite intelligence that is your source. Spiritual traditions call this the state of grace,” says Dr. Deepak Chopra in his book Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles. Coincidentally, I’m reading it this week.

*Interchangeable with Spirit, Energy, Universal Mind, Unity Consciousness, Field of All Possibilities, Allah, Buddha. . .